How do you harvest an almond tree?

Thanks to their protective shells, harvesting almonds is easy. All you have to do is hit or shake them off the tree and let them fall to the ground, where you can place a tarp or floor tarp to make picking easier. Commercial farmers often have machines made just to shake nuts to the ground. Start harvesting almonds when 95 percent of the drupes on the tree have broken.

The first step to harvesting almonds is to collect the drupes that have already broken and fallen. Harvest almonds late August through September. Depending on the variety and growing conditions, you can start harvesting nuts in 2 to 4 years. Knock or shake the tree nuts when the hooves are fully opened.

After shaking the walnuts to the ground, let them sit for 2 to 3 days to dry out a little in the sun. The drying process is completed when the nuts rumble in their shells and the grain breaks instead of folding. After sweeping or raking the dried almonds from the ground, remove the shells from the shell, and then remove the nuts from the shell. Almond harvesting takes place from August to October in California, depending on the type of almond tree and the climate in the specific location where the trees are grown.

Almond growers use mechanical stirrers to make almonds fall to the ground. They are then allowed to dry further under the summer sun for eight or ten days. Finally, they are swept in rows and collected for processing. From August to October, mechanical tree shakers harvest the crop by shaking it vigorously to the ground.

Protected by their outer shells and shells, almonds are naturally dried under the warm California sun for 7 to 10 days before being swept in rows by a “sweeping machine.”. After that, a harvester or “harvesting machine” goes over the rows and sucks the nuts into a cart that takes them to the edge of the orchard to transport them to the next stop on their trip. Once all the nuts are on the ground, simply take the four corners of the leaf and place it in the large bag and all the almonds are harvested. If you're wondering when and how to harvest your almond tree, here's the information you need to successfully harvest your own homegrown walnuts.

Keep in mind that, at this stage, walnuts are already attractive to large birds and squirrels, so be sure to store them properly, as you may lose some of your crop. Grown in California's ideal Mediterranean climate, the annual life cycle of almonds has many stages and an abundance of natural beauty. California almonds, which produce 80% of the world's supply, reach almond lovers in more than 90 countries around the world. In the spring, usually between February and March, California almond trees begin to produce flowers.

Almond shells are used as bedding for livestock and shells are a valuable dairy food, with ongoing research exploring potential new uses in the areas of recycled plastics, fuel and regenerative agriculture. After sizing, the almonds are kept under controlled storage conditions to maintain quality until they are shipped or processed into a variety of different almond shapes for various culinary uses. This link has been provided solely for your convenience, but Almond Board of California cannot assume responsibility for the accuracy, quality, safety, or nature of the content throughout the linked site. Protected by their outer shells and shells, almonds spend 7 to 10 days bathing in the California sun.

Almond trees require specific conditions, similar to those in the Mediterranean, to produce fruit, and that limits the areas in which they can be grown around the world. This is the right time to harvest, the almonds are ripe and ready, they will look like in the photo below. These drupes grow from the time of pollination in the spring to the beginning of the summer months and open in July and August, allowing the almond to dry out. Almond pollen is quite nutritious and bees can regain their strength during almond bloom.

Almonds will be mechanically shelled in most cases and then ground to make almond butter, almond flour, and almond cookies; to turn them into almond milk; or they are roasted, salted and seasoned to enjoy straight from the can or bag. . .

Estelle Shawcroft
Estelle Shawcroft

Evil communicator. Avid pop culture advocate. Devoted analyst. Infuriatingly humble music buff. Award-winning introvert. Passionate twitter aficionado.